Most people familiar with hunting or deer, in general, understand that a female of this species is referred to as a doe. You don’t need to be an expert hunter to have heard this reference when it comes to female deer.
However, what most people don’t know is the fact that there are multiple names for referring to females of this species. Currently, there are three common names used to label female deer.
Three Primary Names for Female Deer
In the English language, three primary names exist when it comes to the females of the deer species. Doe is the most common, followed by hind and cow.
The term doe is the most commonly used moniker for females. Hind is used most often when referring to the specific species of red deer. Cow is most likely the least commonly used name, as it refers to females of larger species of this animal.
Because the use of these names aren’t as specific as most people would think, it can be confusing knowing when to use which term. However, the rules outlining when to use each name aren’t as strict as most species with multiple names for sexes.
What Is a Female Deer Called: When to Use Each Name
Generally, the different names for female deer are interchangeable based on different species. However, the size of each specific deer species also seems to be synonymous with these name changes.
It’s also important to understand that different regions affect how female deer are referenced. Most likely, this is also tied to the specific species of each region.
Instead of attempting to understand when to use each name, it may be more appropriate to break female deer names down individually.
Female Deer Called Doe
This is widely accepted as one of the primary female deer names. The term doe is used to represent females in multiple types of deer species.
However, most people may not be aware of the fact that deer aren’t the only species to use the term doe. Female rabbits and kangaroos also share this nickname.
Interestingly, any mammal species that have males known as bucks will likewise have females referred to as does. This leads us to the most appropriate conclusion when it comes to labeling female deer with this term.
Any time a male deer is referred to as a buck, the female will be referred to as a doe. This leads us to the label of hind, which is perhaps the second most commonly used label for female deer.
Female Deer Called Hind
The term hind is much simpler in terms of understanding when to use this reference. Females are known as hinds when referring to red deer or the sika deer species.
The main difference between the terms hind and doe is the fact that doe is used as a general term for many species of female deer. Hind refers to two specific species of deer.
In cases when female deer are referred to using the word hind, the males are known as stags. This brings us to our final reference term, which is a cow.
Female Deer Called Cow
The term cow is not specific for just females of the deer species. Females of other species like elephants and whales also share this label.
The term cow is used when referring to exceptionally large deer species. Elk and wapiti are two common species that are known for using the word cow for females.
When species of deer use the word cow to refer to females, the males are known as bulls, and young deer are known as calves. Let’s take a closer look at references for specific species of deer.
What Is a Female Deer Called: Species-Specific References
Wildlife experts estimate that there are over 60 species of deer in existence. The following section outlines specific names for female deer based on different species.
Red Deer
Red deer are estimated to be one of the largest deer species. These types of deer are most commonly found in Europe, Asia, and Iran. Female red deer and sika deer share the same label.
· Males: Stags
· Female: Hinds
· Young: Calves
Roe Deer
Roe deer are most commonly native to the continent of Europe. This species is much smaller when compared to other types of deer. Roe deer follow a different name pattern than most other species of deer.
Males: Roebuck
· Female: Doe
· Young: Fawn
Reeves Muntjac Deer
Reeves muntjac deer are primarily located in parts of China and Taiwan. This is also another small species of deer.
· Males: Buck
· Female: Doe
· Young: Fawn
Chinese Water Deer
These deer are most commonly found in China. It’s not just a clever name. These deer are also exceptionally small. The same pattern exists with this species as well.
· Males: Buck
· Female: Doe
· Young: Fawn
Fallow Deer
Fallow deer are commonly located throughout Europe. However, they have also been spotted in Barbuda, Argentina, and South Africa. These deer also share the most common name pattern.
· Males: Buck
· Female: Doe
· Young: Fawn
Elk and Wapiti (Deer Family)
Remember, these species are exceptionally large and are included in the deer family. This is why the name pattern is set up the way it is. These are some of the largest deer species, and the female moose would be included here as well.
· Male: Bull
· Female deer/Female moose: Cow
· Young: Calves
When you’re goal is to name a deer based on species and sex, it’s important to understand how to identify whether a deer is male or female. What is the easiest way to accomplish this identification?
How Do You Identify Male or Female Deer?
It’s important that you’re able to identify the difference between male and female, especially if you want to distinguish between species and specific names. When you’re hunting, having the ability to identify the sex of a deer in the field is important before taking your shot.
There are certain seasons when it’s only legal to hunt male deer. Certain windows are only available for the hunting of female deer.
The easiest way to tell the difference is by looking at antlers. Adult male deer will have antlers, while female deer will have a noticeable lack of these physical features.
You can also use the tracks of deer to determine the sex. Normally, does use a more disciplined form of walking, and their tracks are more pointed. Bucks will have a more wide, outward-pointing pattern because of the larger steps they take.
The final option for identifying the sex of deer is through urine patterns. Male deer will urinate while walking, while females normally bend their legs to perform this action.
If you’re a hunter, it’s extremely important that you understand how to observe and identify deer based on sex. The last thing you want is a citation issued because you killed or attempted to kill the wrong sex or age of deer.
Shooting a deer out of season is a serious offense. Before you make the decision to take your shot, you should be 100% sure that you’re aiming at the appropriate deer.
It’s critical that you understand the identifying characteristics of female deer, as well as the appropriate terms based on species and sex. There is no such thing as having too much knowledge when you’re a deer hunter; the more you know about the species, the more efficient your hunting skills become.
What Is a Female Deer Called FAQs
Can you hunt female deer all year?
No, you can’t hunt female deer all year. In fact, you can’t hunt deer as a species all year. Deer have certain seasons that make it legal to hunt specific demographics based on age and sex.
For example, there is buck season, doe season, and several other categories depending on the state. In most areas, female deer have the shortest season out of any other category of deer. This is most likely because female deer are vital in the reproduction and survival of subsequent generations of the species.
Young deer depend on their mothers for nursing when they’re born, but the support doesn’t stop there. Female deer also perform certain protective actions for their young to keep away certain types of predators.
Additionally, they help them survive their first winter, showing them how to navigate the wild in a time of year when food is scarce. If an open season was allowed on female deer, the end result would probably be a significant decline in survival rates of young deer.
What is the most common name for a female deer?
The most common name overall for female deer is doe. This label can be used as a blanket term for multiple species of female deer.
However, it’s important to note that doe is only used simultaneously with the term buck. A buck is the male counterpart of a doe.
How do you tell the difference between male and female deer?
The best way to tell the two apart is by looking for the presence of antlers. Male adult deer will have noticeable antler growth on their head.
Female deer don’t have antlers at all. However, it’s important not to mistake a young male deer for an adult doe. It’s never legal to hunt and kill young deer, regardless of the season.